Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Over the Rainbow, Out of Their Minds

So. Gundam Unicorn. It's been a long time coming, but it's finally over. Now, if you are a fan of Unicorn, I'd like to just ask a simple question: why? It has a laundry list of problems and outside of production values (and Marida's character) I haven't seen much to praise in it. Now, it isn't like it doesn't have good ideas. In fact, with more time to flesh things out (and if the writer showed some restraint) then it could've been great. However, instead, we get a ham-handed, preachy, downright embarrassing story that is probably the most overrated Gundam series I've seen - even more overrated than Zeta or Wing. Oh, and before anybody says anything about "well, did you read the novels?" I will say, "No, but I shouldn't HAVE to. It should stand on its own merits." But this isn't what I'm here to post about, no, this isn't a "review" by any means so much as me just sort of jotting down my impressions about the finale, "Over the To-" uhm, "Over the Rainbow." Spoilers ahoy.